One designer is on social media graphics, another designer is working on a billboard, your web developer needs the logo resent in the correct format, and now the ad rep at the magazine is asking for a style guide so they can prepare your ad. You’re tired of explaining your event’s look and feel over and over again, but when you don’t everything starts to look… off and inconsistent. You wish you could just consolidate it all.
The All-Access Pass package keeps all of your event’s marketing and collateral design needs under one roof for easy access, smoother communication, and brand consistency – giving you your time back so you can focus on planning your event.
Best Promotional Poster, 2012 Fremont Fair
Silver Award for Best Program, 2015 Fremont Fair
Bronze Award for Best Poster, 2015 Kirkland Uncorked
With ad design rates hovering around $125/hr at most publications,
the All-Access Pass Package will pay for itself in no time.
Plus, you’ll save yourself at least 20 hours of time and frustration on back-and-forth emails, working on separate contracts and quotes, and explaining your event’s style over and over again.
“We sold out of all of the shirts by the end of the day Saturday night!
People loved the two shirts you created for us.”
With over 20 years of graphic design and advertising experience (15 of those working on events) I bring the perfect combo of creativity, design know-how, and technical savviness to your event’s marketing materials.
Working with a designer you can trust and keeping it all in one place will help free up your time, eliminate frustration, and prevent burnout so you can focus on producing your best event yet.
“Hands down, you are one of the best graphic designers I’ve ever worked with.
You are an amazing person to have on one’s team.”
My event is months away. When should I book my package?
Book now! I only take on a few clients per month to ensure quality so it’s crucial that you save your space now and then we will start work when you’re ready.
Does the All-Access package include visual branding and logo design?
Does this All-Access Pass package include website design or development?
It includes web graphics that can be handed off to a web developer/designer. It does not include website design, development, or maintenance. If that’s what you need, contact me and I can create a separate quote for you based on your needs.