Your WordPress website is not set it and forget it

You used to have a website for your business.

Now you have a glaring white screen with a few lines of code.
And that code makes absolutely no sense to you. (Why should it? You have enough going on running your business, you can’t be a developer too.)

It might look something like this:

That’s what my friend’s business site looked like when she called me for help last week.

She couldn’t get a hold of her designer and had no idea how to fix it. (Again, why should she? She has a million other things she’s doing for her business – website maintenance is not one of them.)

She assumed the site was set it and forget it.

It’s not.

And she’s not the only one. I’ve seen this happen a few times to my small biz friends.

How do you prevent this from happening?

Well, you can do some simple DIY maintenance or hire someone to do it for you.

Because I love you and I don’t want you to get the dreaded white screen of doom (or WORSE–yes, there’s worse), I made you a free copy of the basic maintenance checklist I use with my clients. Just pop your email in the box below and you’ll see a link to download it.