Don’t be embarrassed. We all do it. We all tell little lies to ourselves. Sometimes in the back of our mind we know we’re lying. Like how I tell myself, “Tomorrow, I’m going to get up early and workout!” Sometimes we accept the lies as truth, without question, we don’t even realize we’re doing it. Maybe...Read More
Honestly, I didn’t come up with the All-Access Pass Retainer package, one of my favorite clients did. Back in the early 2000s they needed a beer tasting program designed. I had plenty of print experience and a love for beer – it was a perfect match. After that first project they continually added more items and events to my to-do list...Read More
What do you do when you set out to find the perfect match for your design project? Obviously, you do the standard thing and take a look at the designer’s experience and portfolio. But then what? Here are a few not-so-obvious (but important) considerations you should take into account that can make or break your relationship with...Read More
The Quick Story The next time you feel like a design project isn’t working or looking how you think it should, but you can’t put your finger on why, take a moment and make sure that both you and your designer are thinking from the AUDIENCE frame of mind. The Long Story Imagine this: You...Read More
You start your business, you make enough money to support yourself, things are pretty awesome. Day after day you’re putting in ALL the hours possible into your business (because that’s what you did in the beginning, and it’s become the norm). But now it’s starting to feel different. You notice things aren’t evolving like they used to, you’re...Read More
Have you ever noticed how a simple task can turn into the thing that pushes you over the edge? Do you ever find yourself having the same annoying thoughts over and over again, like: Which hex color is that supposed to be? Where did I put the password for my WordPress login? I wish Tara hadn’t gone...Read More
Building a website from the ground up isn’t usually in the budget when producing an event. Luckily, there are some good WordPress themes available to use as starting points, and each template offers quite a bit of customization. Here’s a roundup of La Sirena’s favorite themes for events: Showthemes I want to give a special shout-out to Showthemes...Read More